Transaction fees

This table contains fees per transaction type and payment scheme; all the fees are immediately charged when the transaction is approved.

Fee nameDescriptionFrequencyCan apply variable
BACS inImmediatelyYES
BACS outImmediatelyYES
CHAPS inImmediatelyYES
CHAPS outImmediatelyYES
Faster payments inImmediatelyYES
Faster payments outImmediatelyYES
Interledger inImmediatelyYES
Interledger outImmediatelyYES
SEPA inImmediatelyYES
SEPA outImmediatelyYES
SEPA instant inImmediatelyYES
SEPA instant outImmediatelyYES
SWIFT inImmediatelyYES
SWIFT outImmediatelyYES
Exchange rateCalculate based on the exchange rate applied
Internal transfer fees
Internal transfer refers to the transfers between client's accounts, the option to define a different price with a normal outbound transaction is available
Fee nameDescriptionFrequencyCan apply variable
BACS internal transferImmediately
CHAPS internal transferImmediately
Faster payments internal transferImmediately
Interledger internal transferImmediately
SEPA internal transferImmediately
SEPA instant internal transfer feeImmediately
SWIFT internal transfer feeImmediately
Decline fee*Immediately