Requesting access to Toqio's public API

Toqio can provide the customer with access to the public API. This API allows the customer to use some of Toqio’s endpoints to be able to execute actions from outside the platform.

To be able to have access to Toqio’s public API, the customer must contact Toqio’s CS manager and this will be managed internally with Toqio’s development team. See how to authenticate against Toqio’s API.

Toqio will generate a client_id and client_secret for the customer and will be shared in a secure way. This is usually done via Bitwarden.

The customer should have access to Bitwarden (either they create their own profile or Toqio's internal team will give them access). They should have their own Collection where we can share all info with them

Once the section is created and shared with the customer we will create a new entry called “{Customer_name} Toqio API access” with username and password values, where:

  • username is the _id field
  • password is the client_secret