Admin portal configuration

Setting up banking providers for cards:

To enable cards in the banking proposition it's necessary to have previously signed an agreement with the Banking provider in order to get all the data required to do the setup in the Admin portal. Once the BaaS has provided all the data, Toqio's internal team will be able to create the customer and fill up all required fields in the Admin during customer creation.

However, it is important to mention that banking providers that offer cards will have different configurations.

Railsr setup

To make available cards in the Admin portal for a Modulr customer, the first step is selecting the types of cards for BUSINESS and/or CONSUMER. Then the selection of the partner product by currency. In the case of Railsbank cards EUR, GBP, and EU_1 (Euros in Lithuania) will be the available currencies.

Cards programmes

Each customer will receive from Railsbank the corresponding card programmes for the cards contracted related to the partner product that was also contracted. Therefore, in the case of contract Business and Consumer cards, Toqio's internal team (informed by the customers) will need to choose each option in the Admin portal, by selecting the corresponding cards by platform (Business and/or Consumer).

Therefore, depending on the partner products also contracted by the customer, the card programmes need for setup will be according to this agreement. So a Business or Consumer card programme will be required by each partner product.

Railsbank card setup in the Admin portal

Railsbank card setup in the Admin portal

So, when a partner product is selected for each platform (Business and/or Consumer) the following fields will be required to configure the card programmes:

Physical cards

  • Physical card programme (currency)
  • Physical card design (currency)

Virtual cards

  • Virtual card programme (currency)
  • Virtual card design (currency)
Railsbank card setup in the Admin portal

Railsbank card setup in the Admin portal

Important! All fields must be filled as the card's functionality does not differentiate by physical or virtual cards. Therefore, the ON/OFF option in the Admin portal applies to all card types. In case of missing a product code for any of the card types, we will get an error from Railsbank.

EML setup

Currently, it is not possible to set up cards for EML customers (previously PFS) in the Admin portal. This configuration has to be made directly in the database.

Modulr cards setup

In the case of Modulr customers, the first step is selecting if the customer wants cards for BUSINESS and/or CONSUMER. The selection of currency will appear after. In the case of Modulr cards, EUR and GBP will be the available currencies.

Once this is done, the correspondent card types for each platform will be visible to insert card product codes provided by Modulr by currency and card types.

Cards product codes

Each customer will receive from Modulr the corresponding codes for the cards contracted. So, in the case of contract Business and Consumer cards, the Delivery Team (informed by the customer) will need to choose each option in the Admin portal by selecting the corresponding cards by platform (Business and/or Consumer).

Therefore, depending on the partner products also contracted by the customer, the card programmes need for setup will be according to this agreement. So a business physical product code in EUR and GBP will be required, there's a difference between them.

Modulr card setup in Admin portal

Modulr card setup in the Admin portal

Once Business and/or Consumer cards are selected, then the product code fields by platform and currency will be shown to be included.


Physical cards

Product code and card reference and packaging reference are mandatory and to be provided by Modulr.

  • Product code: ex. O120001F
  • Card reference: ex. CpayCard
  • Packaging reference: ex. CpayCard

Virtual cards

Product code is mandatory and to be provided by Modulr.

  • Product code: ex. O120001M


Physical cards

(Same as the example above)

  • Product code
  • Card reference
  • Packaging reference

Virtual cards

(Same as the example above)

  • Product code
Modulr card setup in Admin portal

Modulr card setup in the Admin portal

Important! All fields must be filled as the card's functionality does not differentiate by physical or virtual cards. Therefore, the ON/OFF option in the Admin portal applies to all card types. In case of missing a product code for any of the card types, we will get an error from Modulr.

Company configuration

Aside from the current standard configuration for all Banking providers, Modulr includes an extra mandatory field for customer creation.

  • Expected monthly spend: to provide the estimated expected monthly spend. This field must accomplish the following requirements. If not, an error message will be prompted.
  • Type: integer (positive or negative number or zero)
  • Min length: 0
  • Max length: 2147483647

As explained by Modulr, this field is mandatory for back-end Modulr operations, and used for velocity controls but not for transaction monitoring.

Modulr expected monthly spend field in the Admin portal

Modulr expected monthly spend field in the Admin portal