Block/Unblock card

Block virtual or physical card

A card can be blocked for a Director or Account Owner for oneself, or for another cardholder.

  • A security code will be needed.
  • The option will only be shown if the card's status is NOT ISSUED, BLOCKED or CANCEL.
Card details page for Railsbank and EML with "Block" button as main action

The card details page for Railsbank and EML with the 'Block' button as the main action

Modal to block a card

Modal to block a card

Unblock a virtual or physical card

A card can be unblocked for a Director or an Account Owner for oneself, or another cardholder.

  • If the card was blocked to another cardholder, a Director or an Account Owner as cardholders will not have the option to unblock it for themselves.
  • A security code will be needed.
  • The option will only be shown if the card's status is ISSUED, UNBLOCKED or CANCEL.
Card details page for Railsbank and EML with "Unblock" button as main action for a blocked card

The cards details page for Railsbank and EML with the 'Unblock' button as the main action for a blocked card

Modal to unblock a card

Modal to unblock a card

Cancel virtual or physical card

A card can be cancelled for a Director or an Account Owner for oneself, or another cardholder.

  • A security code will be needed.
  • No security card details can be consulted if the card is cancelled.
Card details page with "Cancel" button in the 3 dots menu

Card details page with "Cancel" button in the 3 dots menu

View all card transactions

  • For oneself and other cardholders.