Sync Client Status

When to use it? When the provider has a company/client/organisation object corresponding to the client/merchant object in Toqio, they might manage an status. If this is the case, this status must be sent over Toqio so both objects are in sync. For example, Railsr manage the status of the merchant after onboarding at the moment of creating the first account and for that they need a client status. This webhook will update this status for Toqio system.

Status possible values: You can pass as a string one of these possible status.

  • enduser-status-ok
  • enduser-status-declined
  • This field can be empty, despite been mandatory, but only if the typefield value is entity-ready-to-use. In any other situation where status is empty, Toqio will consider it as declined.



    "companyId": "uuid",  
    "endUserId": "uuid",  
    "status": "string"  


    "companyId": "38e0dc06-0f12-48d2-97f4-0bf7c99e2f58",
    "endUserId": "38e0dc06-0f12-48d2-97f4-0bf7c99e2f58",
    "status": "PENDING"