
What does it mean for Toqio …

  • Customer: A customer is the main object in Toqio's data schema. It's used to represent Toqio's client, being the second B in the B2B2B business schema.
  • Merchant / Client: Following the example above, the merchant or client would be the 3rd B in B2B2B and, therefore, Toqio's customer client.
  • User: A user is a person, with a given role, within a Merchant/Client belonging to a Customer.
  • Ledger: An entity that holds a record of transactions and a set of properties such as the ability of making payments or not, a currency, etcetera.
  • Account: It's equivalent to Ledger in Toqio's dictionary.
  • Transaction: An entity that represent money flow, from a source to a destination, with a number of properties being amount, currency, status, source and destination the main ones.
  • Card: A card is an entity typically linked to an account that also holds a record of transactions of money out - payments - and payments in - refunds - that are a set of the total transactions of a ledger/account. A card can be physical or virtual and have a set of data that is protected under the PCI regulation; the PAN, the “unique payment card number (typically for credit or debit cards) that identifies the issuer and the particular cardholder account.” In short, the 14-, 15-, or 16-digit numbers on the front of your credit card
  • Sandbox: This is the environment where you will be working on the integration with Toqio.
  • Production: Refers to the LIVE environment of the customer, where changes done in sandbox are pushed.
  • Integration Hub: Toqio's integration hub is the service acting as a translation layer between the business logic defined in the connector you are working on and Toqio services.
  • Connector: A connector is the service you are building to integrate a financial provider within Toqio.
  • Toqio Platform: Portal where Toqio delivery team and/or you and/or the customer can access the tools to create the solutions for the merchants.
  • Solution: A solution is a banking experience that a customer creates and configures using Toqio platform to provide its merchants with financial services. It can be offered on different platforms (web, ios, android) and serve to different purpose (provide the merchants with a service or services and/or provide the employees with a tool to manage those services).
  • Compliance, KYB, KYC: These are all protocols that share the core objective of making digital financial interactions as safe and as protected as possible.
    KYB stands for "know your business" and represents the set of compliance checks that seek to identify the veracity of businesses, companies, organisations and, in extended due diligence, monitor their financial transactions over time.
    KYC stands for "know your customer", the group of checks carried out to verify the identity of a specific user by comparing their financial backgrounds and past histories against any financial fraud/illicit activities in order to determine a risk score. Checks can be carried out in two ways. Confirmation of identity can be done manually by requesting physical/digital copies of ID documents (such as passports, national ID cards, or driving licences) then cross-referencing details against sanctions and politically exposed person (PEP) lists. Checks can also be carried out automatically, by engaging the services of a reputable checking firm, many of which use data sources like the Dow Jones Watchlist, an international database that is updated daily.
    KYT stands for "know your transactions", or the set of operations used to identify potentially risky transactions and their underlying unusual behaviour for detecting money laundering, fraud or corruption.
  • Banking provider: A bank service provider is a third-party service used to enable banking capabilities (accounts, payments, cards, beneficiaries, etcetera)
  • Evidence: Proves that what they claim to have in the questionnaire is fulfilled. For example, if you answer "Yes" to the question "Do you have an Information Security Policy?" then you will have to send us its Information Security Policy document. Once all the questions have been answered and all the evidence gathered, a risk level evaluation is done for you as Toqio's this third party: the more "Yes" refuted by evidence you have marked in the questionnaire, the lower is the risk level towards Toqio."