Beneficiaries and payments process

Bank account beneficiaries are created as follows:

  • the end user creates a beneficiary in the front end and signs it with an OTP. At this time, the beneficiary is created only in Toqio's database.
  • the end user will create a payment to that new beneficiary. Toqio makes a request to the integration, before creating the payment, to obtain the beneficiary (Get Beneficiary ). If the beneficiary is not created in the integration, a not found 404 error must be returned (if another type of exception is returned, the process is broken), so Toqio trigger a request to create beneficiary to your integration (create beneficiary). Once the beneficiary has been successfully created, the payment is created in Toqio and the save transfer request is made to your integration.

If the beneficiary already exists, the provider allows updating the beneficiary and the updatedAt field of the integration is older than the one in the wallet, an update request is sent. Otherwise, the normal payment flow is followed.