How to manage signs in transaction's amounts

When we send and receive inbound and outbound transactions we need always you to handle these with positive amounts. When it's money out you must setup the field TransactionGroup as OUTBOUND and TransactionType as one of EXPENSE or PAYMENT so we will format the transaction in the front end as money out from the account and we will know in what sections we must show the transaction. For a transaction in the group OUTBOUND and type EXPENSE, we will show it in the corresponding account and in the expenses section. When it is in the type PAYMENT we will show it in the corresponding account and in the outbound payments list.

For incoming money you need to send TransactionGroupfield as INBOUND and TransactionType as INBOUND and then it will be formatted as money in into the account.

You will send a negative amount when it is a refund, e.g. when money has been withdraw from the ledger via card payment and then it's refunded. For these cases you will send the amount with a negative sign and then the transaction will be shown as a refund.