These docs are for v1.1. Click to read the latest docs for v2.10.

Webhook notifications

Webhook notifications will be sent each time there is an action being triggered from TOQIOs side.

Available webhook notifications:

Webhook type Description
client-status-changed Will be triggered when the status of a client is changed:
  • New client registered via public registration form or public API → status: LEAD
  • Company finishes registering and needs to start compliance process:
    • status: ONBOARDING if doesn’t have an account yet
    • status: ONBOARDED if already has an account → can be a new director onboarding in an already live client
  • Compliance process has finished and company gets accepted:
    • status: ONBOARDING if doesn’t have an account yet
    • status: ONBOARDED if already has an account
  • Company gets declined during compliance process → status: FROZEN
  • Company is rejected from the admin portal → status: REJECTED
  • Company is frozen from the admin portal → status: FROZEN
  • Company is frozen from the admin portal → status: FROZEN
  • Company gets onboarded manually from admin portal:
    • status: ONBOARDING if doesn’t have an account yet
    • status: ONBOARDED if already has an account (can be an unfrozen company)
  • Company gets reOpened from admin portal (ONLY DECLINED AND KYC ENTITIES CAN BE REOPENED) → status: ONBOARDING
  • Company creates first account → status: ONBOARDED
client-onboarding-status-changed Will be triggered when the status of a client is changed:
  • New client registered via public registration form → onboardingStatus: NOT_ONBOARDING
  • New client registered via public API:
    • if compliance needs to be executed → onboardingStatus: NOT_ONBOARDING
    • if override compliance → onboardingStatus: PENDING_ACCOUNT
  • Company finishes registering and needs to start compliance process:
    • override compliance is ON:
      • onboardingStatus: PENDING_ACCOUNT if doesn’t have an account yet
      • onboardingStatus: COMPLETED if already has an account
    • is a new lead and needs to run compliance:
      • onboardingStatus: PENDING_KYC_DOCUMENTS if KYC process
      • onboardingStatus: PENDING_KYB_DATA if KYB process
  • During compliance process, documentation gets rejected and client needs to update it → onboardingStatus: PENDING_KYB_DATA
  • All KYB documentation is ready and is ready to be sent to TN (only for KYB, KYC gets automatically sent) → onboardingStatus: PENDING_KYB
  • Compliance data gets sent to TN:
    • KYC companies → onboardingStatus: PENDING_KYC_RESULT
    • KYB companies → onboardingStatus: PENDING_KYB_RESULTS
  • Company gets accepted and compliance process is completed:
    • onboardingStatus: PENDING_ACCOUNT if doesn’t have an account yet
    • onboardingStatus: COMPLETED if already has an account
  • First account is opened but is pending validation → onboardingStatus: PENDING_ACCOUNT_VALIDATION
  • First account gets validated → onboardingStatus: COMPLETED
  • Company gets declined during compliance process → onboardingStatus: DECLINED
  • Company gets onboarded manually from admin portal:
    • onboardingStatus: PENDING_ACCOUNT if doesn’t have an account yet
    • onboardingStatus: COMPLETED if already has an account (can be an unfrozen company)
  • Company gets reOpened from admin portal (ONLY DECLINED AND KYC ENTITIES CAN BE REOPENED) → onboardingStatus: PENDING_KYC_DOCUMENTS
user-invited Will be triggered when a new user is invited to a company → onboardingStatus of user NOT_ONBOARDING
user-joined Will be triggered when a user is activated to log into the portal → onboardingStatus of user COMPLETED
card-created Will be triggered when a new card has been issued
card-suspended Will be triggered when a card gets frozen
card-closed Will be triggered when a card gets cancelled
transaction-pending Will be triggered when a transaction is created
transaction-accepted Will be triggered when a transaction gets accepted
transaction-declined Will be triggered if a transaction is failed or cancelled
account-created Will be triggered when a new account has been issued
account-updated Will be triggered when an account has been updated
beneficiary-created Will be triggered when a new beneficiary has been created
beneficiary-updated Will be triggered when a beneficiary has been updated
beneficiary-deleted Will be triggered when a beneficiary has been deleted

Web-hook examples

    "type": "client-status-changed",
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        "client": {
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            "registrationDate": null,
            "shareholders": [],
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