v28.0.0 (Keller)

Release notes - TOQIO - Version v28.0.0 (Keller)

API Changes

For this release we have updated some of our current endpoints related with billing.
Old endpoints will be operative during a period of time but you will need to do the migration as at some points we are going to stop them and only new ones will be operative.

  • We have modified iam and wallet url to billing as you can see here. There are the endpoints affected:

    Name Deprecated endpoint New endpoint
    Get card fees GET "https://api.test.toq.io/iam/api/customers/{customerId}/client/{clientId}/card/fees/{currency}" GET "https://api.test.toq.io/billing/api/customers/{customerId}/client/{clientId}/card/fees/{currency}"
    Get account fees GET "https://api.test.toq.io/wallet/api/customers/{customerId}/client/{clientId}/account/fees/{currency}" GET "https://api.test.toq.io/billing/api/customers/{customerId}/client/{clientId}/account/fees/{currency}"
    Get transaction fees GET "https://api.test.toq.io/wallet/api/customers/{customerId}/clients/{clientId}/transactions/fees" POST "https://api.test.toq.io/billing/api/customers/{customerId}/clients/{clientId}/transactions/fees"
  • NOTE: Documentation has been updated in version v4.0. You can see old versions in v3.0
    More information here