V1.1.0 - Wilkes

During this release, we have added some new fields to the existing endpoints:

Three new fields in the response object of the following endpoints: Get accounts, Get account, Update Account Read Only, Cancel account and Create account:

"wireRoutingNumber": "string",
"achRoutingNumber": "string",
"ibanForSwift"; "string"

Please note that these fields only affect Currencycloud customers.

One new field in the response object of the following endpoints:
Get clients, Get client, Freeze company and Unfreeze company; This field will return Currencycloud if you have configured it as your payment provider; if not, it will return your main banking provider

"paymentProvider": "string"

Two new fields in the response object of the following endpoints:
Get Transaction and Create Transaction:

"purposeCode": "string", 
"paymentProviderDetails": {
"shortReference": "string",
"internalReference": "string",
"paymentId": "string",
"conversionId: "string",
"rate": 0.0,
"settlementDate": "2023-04-13T06:35:25.726Z"

Four new fields in the response object of the following endpoints: Get beneficiaries, Create beneficiary, Get beneficiary and Update beneficiary:

"aba": "string", 
"clabe": "string",
"ifsc": "string",
"cnaps": "string"

Please note that these fields only affect Currencycloud customers.

New endpoints

We have added some new endpoints that allow the creation of new users and set up user credentials:

Name New endpoint
Create user POST "https://api.sandbox.toq.io/iam/api/customers/{customerId}/clients/{clientId}/users/create"
Generate customer key POST "https://api.sandbox.toq.io/iam/api/customers/{customerId}/credentials/generateCustomerKey"
Create username POST "https://api.sandbox.toq.io/iam/api/customers/{customerId}/clients/{clientId}/users/{userId}/credentials/username"
Create security questions POST "https://api.sandbox.toq.io/iam/api/customers/{customerId}/clients/{clientId}/users/{userId}/credentials/securityQuestions"
Create security code POST "https://api.sandbox.toq.io/iam/api/customers/{customerId}/clients/{clientId}/users/{userId}/credentials/securityCode"
Create password POST "https://api.sandbox.toq.io/iam/api/customers/{customerId}/clients/{clientId}/users/{userId}/credentials/password"